She Said She Said

"She Said, She Said"
Canção de The Beatles
do álbum Revolver
Lançamento 5 de agosto de 1966
Gravação Abbey Road
21 de junho de 1966
Duração 2:37
Gravadora(s) Parlophone
Composição Lennon-McCartney
Produção George Martin
Faixas de Revolver
  1. "Taxman"
  2. "Eleanor Rigby"
  3. "I'm Only Sleeping"
  4. "Love You To"
  5. "Here, There and Everywhere"
  6. "Yellow Submarine"
  7. "She Said She Said"
Side two
  1. "Good Day Sunshine"
  2. "And Your Bird Can Sing"
  3. "For No One"
  4. "Doctor Robert"
  5. "I Want to Tell You"
  6. "Got to Get You into My Life"
  7. "Tomorrow Never Knows"
Faixas de Revolver
Yellow Submarine
Good Day Sunshine

She Said, She Said é uma canção da banda de rock The Beatles, composta por John Lennon e creditada como Lennon/McCartney, para o álbum Revolver de 1966. A música tem John Lennon no vocal e guitarra rítmica, George Harrison na guitarra solo e no básico. Ringo Starr na bateria e no shaker (uma vez que Paul não participou da gravação por ter discutido com John no estúdio). A letra da música aparenta ser a descrição de uma conversa entre John Lennon e Peter Fonda, durante uma viagem de LSD[1]. É curioso se ouvir os dois únicos beatles que estão falecidos cantar um refrão que diz "I know what is like to be dead" (Eu sei como é estar morto).

Ficha Técnica


  1. a b «The Rolling Stone Interview: John Lennon, Part I». Consultado em 30 de janeiro de 2014. Arquivado do original em 19 de março de 2018 
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Please Please Me
"I Saw Her Standing There"  · "Misery"  · "Anna (Go to Him)"  · "Chains"  · "Boys"  · "Ask Me Why"  · "Please Please Me"  · "Love Me Do"  · "P.S. I Love You"  · "Baby It's You"  · "Do You Want to Know a Secret"  · "A Taste of Honey"  · "There's a Place"  · "Twist and Shout"
With the Beatles
A Hard Day's Night
Beatles for Sale
"Help!"  · "The Night Before"  · "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away"  · "I Need You"  · "Another Girl"  · "You're Going to Lose That Girl"  · "Ticket to Ride"  · "Act Naturally"  · "It's Only Love"  · "You Like Me Too Much"  · "Tell Me What You See"  · "I've Just Seen a Face"  · "Yesterday"  · "Dizzy Miss Lizzy"
Rubber Soul
"Drive My Car"  · "Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)"  · "You Won't See Me"  · "Nowhere Man"  · "Think for Yourself"  · "The Word"  · "Michelle"  · "What Goes On"  · "Girl"  · "I'm Looking Through You"  · "In My Life"  · "Wait"  · "If I Needed Someone"  · "Run for Your Life"
"Taxman"  · "Eleanor Rigby"  · "I'm Only Sleeping"  · "Love You To"  · "Here, There and Everywhere"  · "Yellow Submarine"  · "She Said She Said"  · "Good Day Sunshine"  · "And Your Bird Can Sing"  · "For No One"  · "Doctor Robert"  · "I Want to Tell You"  · "Got to Get You into My Life"  · "Tomorrow Never Knows"
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"  · "With a Little Help from My Friends"  · "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"  · "Getting Better"  · "Fixing a Hole"  · "She's Leaving Home"  · "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!"  · "Within You Without You"  · "When I'm Sixty-Four"  · "Lovely Rita"  · "Good Morning Good Morning"  · "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)"  · "A Day in the Life"
Magical Mystery Tour
The Beatles
Yellow Submarine
"Yellow Submarine"  · "Only a Northern Song"  · "All Together Now"  · "Hey Bulldog"  · "It's All Too Much"  · "All You Need Is Love"  · "Pepperland"  · "Sea of Time"  · "Sea of Holes"  · "Sea of Monsters"  · "March of the Meanies"  · "Pepperland Laid Waste"  · "Yellow Submarine in Pepperland"
Abbey Road
"Come Together"  · "Something"  · "Maxwell's Silver Hammer"  · "Oh! Darling"  · "Octopus's Garden"  · "I Want You (She's So Heavy)"  · "Here Comes the Sun"  · "Because"  · "You Never Give Me Your Money"  · "Sun King"  · "Mean Mr. Mustard"  · "Polythene Pam"  · "She Came in Through the Bathroom Window"  · "Golden Slumbers"  · "Carry That Weight"  · "The End"  · "Her Majesty"
Let It Be
"Two of Us"  · "Dig a Pony"  · "Across the Universe"  · "I Me Mine"  · "Dig It"  · "Let It Be"  · "Maggie Mae"  · "I've Got a Feeling"  · "One After 909"  · "The Long and Winding Road"  · "For You Blue"  · "Get Back"
Singles independentes
"From Me to You" (1963)  · "Thank You Girl" (1963)  · "She Loves You" (1963)  · "I'll Get You" (1963)  · "I Want to Hold Your Hand" (1963)  · "This Boy" (1963)  · "Komm, gib mir deine Hand/Sie liebt dich" (1964)  · "Slow Down" (1964)  · "Matchbox" (1964)  · "Ain't She Sweet" (1964)  · "She's a Woman" (1964)  · "I'm Down" (1965)  · "Yes It Is" (1965)  · "Bad Boy" (1965)  · "Day Tripper" (1965)  · "We Can Work It Out" (1965)  · "Paperback Writer" (1966)  · "Rain" (1966)  · "Lady Madonna" (1968)  · "The Inner Light" (1968)  · "Hey Jude" (1968)  · "The Ballad of John and Yoko" (1969)  · "Old Brown Shoe" (1969)  · "Don't Let Me Down" (1969)  · "You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)" (1970)
Outras canções
"Long Tall Sally" (1964)  · "I Call Your Name" (1964)  · "Carnival of Light" (1967) "Free as a Bird" (1995)  · "Real Love" (1995)  · "Now and Then" (2023)
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