
Family name
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Puusepp is an Estonian surname meaning 'carpenter' (literally, 'wood-smith') and may refer to the following individuals:

  • Edgar Puusepp (1911–1982), Estonian wrestler
  • Endel Puusepp (1909–1996), Estonian Soviet-era World War II pilot
  • Ludvig Puusepp (1875–1942), Estonian surgeon, researcher and the world's first professor of neurosurgery
  • Markus Puusepp (born 1986), Estonian orienteering competitor
  • Priidu Puusepp (1887–1972), Estonian educator and linguist
  • Raivo Puusepp (born 1960), Estonian architect

See also

Surname list
This page lists people with the surname Puusepp.
If an internal link intending to refer to a specific person led you to this page, you may wish to change that link by adding the person's given name(s) to the link.