
Löwenthal is a surname of Germanic language origin.

Notable people with this name include:

A variant is Lowenthal:

  • Alan Lowenthal (born 1941), American politician
  • Bill Lowenthal (1909–1989), Australian rules footballer
  • Bonnie Lowenthal (born 1940), American politician
  • David Lowenthal (1923–2018), American-born British geographer and historian, son of Max, brother of John
  • Jerome Lowenthal (born 1932), American classical pianist
  • John Lowenthal (1925–2003), American law professor, lifelong defender of Alger Hiss, son of Max, brother of David
  • Josh Lowenthal (born 1970), American politician
  • Max Lowenthal (1888–1971), American lawyer, longtime associate of Harry S. Truman, father of John and David
  • Yuri Lowenthal (born 1971), American voice actor

See also

Surname list
This page lists people with the surname Löwenthal.
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