Jeffery–Hamel flow

In fluid dynamics Jeffery–Hamel flow is a flow created by a converging or diverging channel with a source or sink of fluid volume at the point of intersection of the two plane walls. It is named after George Barker Jeffery(1915)[1] and Georg Hamel(1917),[2] but it has subsequently been studied by many major scientists such as von Kármán and Levi-Civita,[3] Walter Tollmien,[4] F. Noether,[5] W.R. Dean,[6] Rosenhead,[7] Landau,[8] G.K. Batchelor[9] etc. A complete set of solutions was described by Edward Fraenkel in 1962.[10]

Flow description

Consider two stationary plane walls with a constant volume flow rate Q {\displaystyle Q} is injected/sucked at the point of intersection of plane walls and let the angle subtended by two walls be 2 α {\displaystyle 2\alpha } . Take the cylindrical coordinate ( r , θ , z ) {\displaystyle (r,\theta ,z)} system with r = 0 {\displaystyle r=0} representing point of intersection and θ = 0 {\displaystyle \theta =0} the centerline and ( u , v , w ) {\displaystyle (u,v,w)} are the corresponding velocity components. The resulting flow is two-dimensional if the plates are infinitely long in the axial z {\displaystyle z} direction, or the plates are longer but finite, if one were neglect edge effects and for the same reason the flow can be assumed to be entirely radial i.e., u = u ( r , θ ) , v = 0 , w = 0 {\displaystyle u=u(r,\theta ),v=0,w=0} .

Then the continuity equation and the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations reduce to

( r u ) r = 0 , u u r = 1 ρ p r + ν [ 1 r r ( r u r ) + 1 r 2 2 u θ 2 u r 2 ] 0 = 1 ρ r p θ + 2 ν r 2 u θ {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\frac {\partial (ru)}{\partial r}}&=0,\\[6pt]u{\frac {\partial u}{\partial r}}&=-{\frac {1}{\rho }}{\frac {\partial p}{\partial r}}+\nu \left[{\frac {1}{r}}{\frac {\partial }{\partial r}}\left(r{\frac {\partial u}{\partial r}}\right)+{\frac {1}{r^{2}}}{\frac {\partial ^{2}u}{\partial \theta ^{2}}}-{\frac {u}{r^{2}}}\right]\\[6pt]0&=-{\frac {1}{\rho r}}{\frac {\partial p}{\partial \theta }}+{\frac {2\nu }{r^{2}}}{\frac {\partial u}{\partial \theta }}\end{aligned}}}

The boundary conditions are no-slip condition at both walls and the third condition is derived from the fact that the volume flux injected/sucked at the point of intersection is constant across a surface at any radius.

u ( ± α ) = 0 , Q = α α u r d θ {\displaystyle u(\pm \alpha )=0,\quad Q=\int _{-\alpha }^{\alpha }ur\,d\theta }


The first equation tells that r u {\displaystyle ru} is just function of θ {\displaystyle \theta } , the function is defined as

F ( θ ) = r u ν . {\displaystyle F(\theta )={\frac {ru}{\nu }}.}

Different authors defines the function differently, for example, Landau[8] defines the function with a factor 6 {\displaystyle 6} . But following Whitham,[11] Rosenhead[12] the θ {\displaystyle \theta } momentum equation becomes

1 ρ p θ = 2 ν 2 r 2 d F d θ {\displaystyle {\frac {1}{\rho }}{\frac {\partial p}{\partial \theta }}={\frac {2\nu ^{2}}{r^{2}}}{\frac {dF}{d\theta }}}

Now letting

p p ρ = ν 2 r 2 P ( θ ) , {\displaystyle {\frac {p-p_{\infty }}{\rho }}={\frac {\nu ^{2}}{r^{2}}}P(\theta ),}

the r {\displaystyle r} and θ {\displaystyle \theta } momentum equations reduce to

P = 1 2 ( F 2 + F ) {\displaystyle P=-{\frac {1}{2}}(F^{2}+F'')}
P = 2 F , P = 2 F + C {\displaystyle P'=2F',\quad \Rightarrow \quad P=2F+C}

and substituting this into the previous equation(to eliminate pressure) results in

F + F 2 + 4 F + 2 C = 0 {\displaystyle F''+F^{2}+4F+2C=0}

Multiplying by F {\displaystyle F'} and integrating once,

1 2 F 2 + 1 3 F 3 + 2 F 2 + 2 C F = D , {\displaystyle {\frac {1}{2}}F'^{2}+{\frac {1}{3}}F^{3}+2F^{2}+2CF=D,}
1 2 F 2 + 1 3 ( F 3 + 6 F 2 + 6 C F 3 D ) = 0 {\displaystyle {\frac {1}{2}}F'^{2}+{\frac {1}{3}}(F^{3}+6F^{2}+6CF-3D)=0}

where C , D {\displaystyle C,D} are constants to be determined from the boundary conditions. The above equation can be re-written conveniently with three other constants a , b , c {\displaystyle a,b,c} as roots of a cubic polynomial, with only two constants being arbitrary, the third constant is always obtained from other two because sum of the roots is a + b + c = 6 {\displaystyle a+b+c=-6} .

1 2 F 2 + 1 3 ( F a ) ( F b ) ( F c ) = 0 , {\displaystyle {\frac {1}{2}}F'^{2}+{\frac {1}{3}}(F-a)(F-b)(F-c)=0,}
1 2 F 2 1 3 ( a F ) ( F b ) ( F c ) = 0. {\displaystyle {\frac {1}{2}}F'^{2}-{\frac {1}{3}}(a-F)(F-b)(F-c)=0.}

The boundary conditions reduce to

F ( ± α ) = 0 , Q ν = α α F d θ {\displaystyle F(\pm \alpha )=0,\quad {\frac {Q}{\nu }}=\int _{-\alpha }^{\alpha }F\,d\theta }

where R e = Q / ν {\displaystyle Re=Q/\nu } is the corresponding Reynolds number. The solution can be expressed in terms of elliptic functions. For convergent flow Q < 0 {\displaystyle Q<0} , the solution exists for all R e {\displaystyle Re} , but for the divergent flow Q > 0 {\displaystyle Q>0} , the solution exists only for a particular range of R e {\displaystyle Re} .

Dynamical interpretation[13]

The equation takes the same form as an undamped nonlinear oscillator(with cubic potential) one can pretend that θ {\displaystyle \theta } is time, F {\displaystyle F} is displacement and F {\displaystyle F'} is velocity of a particle with unit mass, then the equation represents the energy equation( K . E . + P . E . = 0 {\displaystyle K.E.+P.E.=0} , where K . E . = 1 2 F 2 {\displaystyle K.E.={\frac {1}{2}}F'^{2}} and P . E . = V ( F ) {\displaystyle P.E.=V(F)} ) with zero total energy, then it is easy to see that the potential energy is

V ( F ) = 1 3 ( a F ) ( F b ) ( F c ) {\displaystyle V(F)=-{\frac {1}{3}}(a-F)(F-b)(F-c)}

where V 0 {\displaystyle V\leq 0} in motion. Since the particle starts at F = 0 {\displaystyle F=0} for θ = α {\displaystyle \theta =-\alpha } and ends at F = 0 {\displaystyle F=0} for θ = α {\displaystyle \theta =\alpha } , there are two cases to be considered.

  • First case b , c {\displaystyle b,c} are complex conjugates and a > 0 {\displaystyle a>0} . The particle starts at F = 0 {\displaystyle F=0} with finite positive velocity and attains F = a {\displaystyle F=a} where its velocity is F = 0 {\displaystyle F'=0} and acceleration is F = d V / d F < 0 {\displaystyle F''=-dV/dF<0} and returns to F = 0 {\displaystyle F=0} at final time. The particle motion 0 < F < a {\displaystyle 0<F<a} represents pure outflow motion because F > 0 {\displaystyle F>0} and also it is symmetric about θ = 0 {\displaystyle \theta =0} .
  • Second case c < b < 0 < a {\displaystyle c<b<0<a} , all constants are real. The motion from F = 0 {\displaystyle F=0} to F = a {\displaystyle F=a} to F = 0 {\displaystyle F=0} represents a pure symmetric outflow as in the previous case. And the motion F = 0 {\displaystyle F=0} to F = b {\displaystyle F=b} to F = 0 {\displaystyle F=0} with F < 0 {\displaystyle F<0} for all time( α θ α {\displaystyle -\alpha \leq \theta \leq \alpha } ) represents a pure symmetric inflow. But also, the particle may oscillate between b F a {\displaystyle b\leq F\leq a} , representing both inflow and outflow regions and the flow is no longer need to symmetric about θ = 0 {\displaystyle \theta =0} .

The rich structure of this dynamical interpretation can be found in Rosenhead(1940).[7]

Pure outflow

For pure outflow, since F = a {\displaystyle F=a} at θ = 0 {\displaystyle \theta =0} , integration of governing equation gives

θ = 3 2 F a d F ( a F ) ( F b ) ( F c ) ) {\displaystyle \theta ={\sqrt {\frac {3}{2}}}\int _{F}^{a}{\frac {dF}{\sqrt {(a-F)(F-b)(F-c))}}}}

and the boundary conditions becomes

α = 3 2 0 a d F ( a F ) ( F b ) ( F c ) ) , R e = 2 3 2 0 α F d F ( a F ) ( F b ) ( F c ) ) . {\displaystyle \alpha ={\sqrt {\frac {3}{2}}}\int _{0}^{a}{\frac {dF}{\sqrt {(a-F)(F-b)(F-c))}}},\quad Re=2{\sqrt {\frac {3}{2}}}\int _{0}^{\alpha }{\frac {FdF}{\sqrt {(a-F)(F-b)(F-c))}}}.}

The equations can be simplified by standard transformations given for example in Jeffreys.[14]

  • First case b , c {\displaystyle b,c} are complex conjugates and a > 0 {\displaystyle a>0} leads to
F ( θ ) = a 3 M 2 2 1 cn ( M θ , κ ) 1 + cn ( M θ , κ ) {\displaystyle F(\theta )=a-{\frac {3M^{2}}{2}}{\frac {1-\operatorname {cn} (M\theta ,\kappa )}{1+\operatorname {cn} (M\theta ,\kappa )}}}
M 2 = 2 3 ( a b ) ( a c ) , κ 2 = 1 2 + a + 2 2 M 2 {\displaystyle M^{2}={\frac {2}{3}}{\sqrt {(a-b)(a-c)}},\quad \kappa ^{2}={\frac {1}{2}}+{\frac {a+2}{2M^{2}}}}

where sn , cn {\displaystyle \operatorname {sn} ,\operatorname {cn} } are Jacobi elliptic functions.

  • Second case c < b < 0 < a {\displaystyle c<b<0<a} leads to
F ( θ ) = a 6 k 2 m 2 sn 2 ( m θ , k ) {\displaystyle F(\theta )=a-6k^{2}m^{2}\operatorname {sn} ^{2}(m\theta ,k)}
m 2 = 1 6 ( a c ) , k 2 = a b a c . {\displaystyle m^{2}={\frac {1}{6}}(a-c),\quad k^{2}={\frac {a-b}{a-c}}.}

Limiting form

The limiting condition is obtained by noting that pure outflow is impossible when F ( ± α ) = 0 {\displaystyle F'(\pm \alpha )=0} , which implies b = 0 {\displaystyle b=0} from the governing equation. Thus beyond this critical conditions, no solution exists. The critical angle α c {\displaystyle \alpha _{c}} is given by

α c = 3 2 0 a d F F ( a F ) ( F + a + 6 ) ) , = 3 2 a 0 1 d t t ( 1 t ) { 1 + ( 1 + 6 / a ) t } , = K ( k 2 ) m 2 {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\alpha _{c}&={\sqrt {\frac {3}{2}}}\int _{0}^{a}{\frac {dF}{\sqrt {F(a-F)(F+a+6))}}},\\&={\sqrt {\frac {3}{2a}}}\int _{0}^{1}{\frac {dt}{\sqrt {t(1-t)\{1+(1+6/a)t\}}}},\\&={\frac {K(k^{2})}{m^{2}}}\end{aligned}}}


m 2 = 3 + a 3 , k 2 = 1 2 ( a 3 + a ) {\displaystyle m^{2}={\frac {3+a}{3}},\quad k^{2}={\frac {1}{2}}\left({\frac {a}{3+a}}\right)}

where K ( k 2 ) {\displaystyle K(k^{2})} is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind. For large values of a {\displaystyle a} , the critical angle becomes α c = 3 a K ( 1 2 ) = 3.211 a {\displaystyle \alpha _{c}={\sqrt {\frac {3}{a}}}K\left({\frac {1}{2}}\right)={\frac {3.211}{\sqrt {a}}}} .

The corresponding critical Reynolds number or volume flux is given by

R e c = Q c ν = 2 0 α c ( a 6 k 2 m 2 sn 2 m θ ) d θ , = 12 k 2 1 2 k 2 0 K cn 2 t d t , = 12 1 2 k 2 [ E ( k 2 ) ( 1 k 2 ) K ( k 2 ) ] {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}Re_{c}={\frac {Q_{c}}{\nu }}&=2\int _{0}^{\alpha _{c}}(a-6k^{2}m^{2}\operatorname {sn} ^{2}m\theta )\,d\theta ,\\&={\frac {12k^{2}}{\sqrt {1-2k^{2}}}}\int _{0}^{K}\operatorname {cn} ^{2}tdt,\\&={\frac {12}{\sqrt {1-2k^{2}}}}[E(k^{2})-(1-k^{2})K(k^{2})]\end{aligned}}}

where E ( k 2 ) {\displaystyle E(k^{2})} is the complete elliptic integral of the second kind. For large values of a , (   k 2 1 2 3 2 a ) {\displaystyle a,\left(\ k^{2}\sim {\frac {1}{2}}-{\frac {3}{2a}}\right)} , the critical Reynolds number or volume flux becomes R e c = Q c ν = 12 a 3 [ E ( 1 2 ) 1 2 K ( 1 2 ) ] = 2.934 a {\displaystyle Re_{c}={\frac {Q_{c}}{\nu }}=12{\sqrt {\frac {a}{3}}}\left[E\left({\frac {1}{2}}\right)-{\frac {1}{2}}K\left({\frac {1}{2}}\right)\right]=2.934{\sqrt {a}}} .

Pure inflow

For pure inflow, the implicit solution is given by

θ = 3 2 b F d F ( a F ) ( F b ) ( F c ) ) {\displaystyle \theta ={\sqrt {\frac {3}{2}}}\int _{b}^{F}{\frac {dF}{\sqrt {(a-F)(F-b)(F-c))}}}}

and the boundary conditions becomes

α = 3 2 b 0 d F ( a F ) ( F b ) ( F c ) ) , R e = 2 3 2 α 0 F d F ( a F ) ( F b ) ( F c ) ) . {\displaystyle \alpha ={\sqrt {\frac {3}{2}}}\int _{b}^{0}{\frac {dF}{\sqrt {(a-F)(F-b)(F-c))}}},\quad Re=2{\sqrt {\frac {3}{2}}}\int _{\alpha }^{0}{\frac {FdF}{\sqrt {(a-F)(F-b)(F-c))}}}.}

Pure inflow is possible only when all constants are real c < b < 0 < a {\displaystyle c<b<0<a} and the solution is given by

F ( θ ) = a 6 k 2 m 2 sn 2 ( K m θ , k ) = b + 6 k 2 m 2 cn 2 ( K m θ , k ) {\displaystyle F(\theta )=a-6k^{2}m^{2}\operatorname {sn} ^{2}(K-m\theta ,k)=b+6k^{2}m^{2}\operatorname {cn} ^{2}(K-m\theta ,k)}
m 2 = 1 6 ( a c ) , k 2 = a b a c {\displaystyle m^{2}={\frac {1}{6}}(a-c),\quad k^{2}={\frac {a-b}{a-c}}}

where K ( k 2 ) {\displaystyle K(k^{2})} is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind.

Limiting form

As Reynolds number increases ( b {\displaystyle -b} becomes larger), the flow tends to become uniform(thus approaching potential flow solution), except for boundary layers near the walls. Since m {\displaystyle m} is large and α {\displaystyle \alpha } is given, it is clear from the solution that K {\displaystyle K} must be large, therefore k 1 {\displaystyle k\sim 1} . But when k 1 {\displaystyle k\approx 1} , sn t tanh t ,   c b ,   a 2 b {\displaystyle \operatorname {sn} t\approx \tanh t,\ c\approx b,\ a\approx -2b} , the solution becomes

F ( θ ) = b { 3 tanh 2 [ b 2 ( α θ ) + tanh 1 2 3 ] 2 } . {\displaystyle F(\theta )=b\left\{3\tanh ^{2}\left[{\sqrt {-{\frac {b}{2}}}}(\alpha -\theta )+\tanh ^{-1}{\sqrt {\frac {2}{3}}}\right]-2\right\}.}

It is clear that F b {\displaystyle F\approx b} everywhere except in the boundary layer of thickness O ( b 2 ) {\displaystyle O\left({\sqrt {-{\frac {b}{2}}}}\right)} . The volume flux is Q / ν 2 α b {\displaystyle Q/\nu \approx 2\alpha b} so that | R e | = O ( | b | ) {\displaystyle |Re|=O(|b|)} and the boundary layers have classical thickness O ( | R e | 1 / 2 ) {\displaystyle O\left(|Re|^{1/2}\right)} .


  1. ^ Jeffery, G. B. "L. The two-dimensional steady motion of a viscous fluid." The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 29.172 (1915): 455–465.
  2. ^ Hamel, Georg. "Spiralförmige Bewegungen zäher Flüssigkeiten." Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 25 (1917): 34–60.
  3. ^ von Kármán, and Levi-Civita. "Vorträge aus dem Gebiete der Hydro-und Aerodynamik." (1922)
  4. ^ Walter Tollmien "Handbuch der Experimentalphysik, Vol. 4." (1931): 257.
  5. ^ Fritz Noether "Handbuch der physikalischen und technischen Mechanik, Vol. 5." Leipzig, JA Barch (1931): 733.
  6. ^ Dean, W. R. "LXXII. Note on the divergent flow of fluid." The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 18.121 (1934): 759–777.
  7. ^ a b Louis Rosenhead "The steady two-dimensional radial flow of viscous fluid between two inclined plane walls." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. Vol. 175. No. 963. The Royal Society, 1940.
  8. ^ a b Lev Landau, and E. M. Lifshitz. "Fluid Mechanics Pergamon." New York 61 (1959).
  9. ^ G.K. Batchelor. An introduction to fluid dynamics. Cambridge university press, 2000.
  10. ^ Fraenkel, L. E. (1962). Laminar flow in symmetrical channels with slightly curved walls, I. On the Jeffery-Hamel solutions for flow between plane walls. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 267(1328), 119-138.
  11. ^ Whitham, G. B. "Chapter III in Laminar Boundary Layers." (1963): 122.
  12. ^ Rosenhead, Louis, ed. Laminar boundary layers. Clarendon Press, 1963.
  13. ^ Drazin, Philip G., and Norman Riley. The Navier–Stokes equations: a classification of flows and exact solutions. No. 334. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
  14. ^ Jeffreys, Harold, Bertha Swirles, and Philip M. Morse. "Methods of mathematical physics." (1956): 32–34.